A downloadable Anti Jar Backdoor for Windows, macOS, and Linux

*How To Use?

you click "Select File" then click "Run Analyzer", you will choose a .jar file that you want to analyze. After selecting the desired file, see if you want to exclude the .jar class libraries or not, after Anti Jar Backdoor has finished scanning the file, there will be 3 tables in the lower left corner, [Log] [Tables] [Texts] , the log will briefly show each task performed, for example:

Processing: blablabla-release.jar
1/6 - WebConnectionCheck [18ms]
2/6 - URLCheck [12ms]
3/6 - CommandCheck [8ms]
4/6 - FileDeletionCheck [8ms]
5/6 - CoordCheck [6ms]
6/6 - ClassloadCheck [6ms]

this is all the processes analyzed by the program.

In tables, you will have more details about what was detected. In the texts, you will have MANY details about what was detected.

* How do I know if I have been infected or not?
With URLCheck, Shell Command and FileDetection.


this program can be used for minecraft mods, or jars in general, it only works with .jar files, it detects URLs, commands executed in shell, excluded files, external connections, etc ...
The Program is still in PT-BR (Portuguese-Brazil), then I will make an English version, I hope you like it :^)

English version avaliable. Yay!

*Attention, do not try to extract this file with winrar or try to decompile / deobfuscate it, if you try, your computer will lose a lot of space on the disk.


Shadow Jar Analyzer EN-US.jar 1.5 MB
Shadow Jar Analyzer PT-BR.jar 1.5 MB

Install instructions

Download and Open

Development log


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pls someone comment :(